Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hi, everybody and welcome back to Top Words. My name is Alisha and today we're going to talk about “10 Words for Sports and Fitness.” So, let's go. Boom.
“To work out.” All right the first word is “to work out.” “To workout” means to exercise, “to work out,” exercise, to sweat, to get healthy presumably. So, in a sentence, “I try to work out three times a week.”
“To play.” The next expression is “to play” plus sport. So, “to play” plus the sport that is used with the verb, “to play” is usually a ball sport, a sport which uses a ball like basketball, football, soccer, baseball, golf. So, “I play golf.” “I play soccer.” “I play basketball.” “I play volleyball.” “I play badminton.” It uses a ball or a ball-like object. It's not a perfect rule, but, there's a good chance that if you are playing a ball-ish, a ball related sport you can use the verb, “to play.” So in a sentence, “I used to play volleyball.” That's true.
“Rep” or “repetition.” Okay. So, the next word is “rep” or “repetition.” “Rep” is the short form of “repetition.” So, “rep” means a repeat in your workout, in your exercise or your training routine, training regimen. “Regimen” means routine. A “rep” means like the number of times you repeat something. For example, you do ten reps in each set. So, for workout vocabulary, a set is like a group of exercises. So, for example, “I'm going to do ten pushups and ten sit ups and then ten, I don't know, weight lifting, something.” So, those three things together, that's one set. And inside each of those is ten, ten, and ten of three different exercises. Those are ten reps in one set. So, “reps” means ‘repetitions.” In a sentence, “Do ten reps in each set.”
“Personal Record.” The next expression is “personal record,” “personal record” or “PR.” “Personal record” means your best something, your best 5K time, your best 200-meter race, the most weight you were able to lift, the longest distance you were able to run. So, a “personal record” is your best at something, best time, best, like, heaviest weight, whatever. Something that's best for you. In a sentence, “I set a new personal record last week.” Not true.
“To break a sweat/to work up a sweat.” The next expression is “to break a sweat.” “To break a sweat” means to start sweating. It doesn't mean to break anything. It just means you break into. Like, if you know like healthcare related words like “break out,” which means your skin has a reaction to something, you break out into a rash or you break out into hives, maybe we'll talk about that in a different video. But “to break out into sweat,” it's like something begins suddenly in your body that wasn't there before. So, “to break a sweat” or “to work up a sweat.” So, the image of “work up a sweat” is over time, gradually you begin to sweat and “to break a sweat” is like to start sweating. “I really worked up a sweat this afternoon,” that is now true. Okay.
“To stretch.” The next expression is “to stretch.” “To stretch,” so usually people--well it's said that you should stretch before and or after a workout. Well, before and after a workout. “To stretch,” it means to stretch the muscles and tendons in your body. So, like a simple stretch that I can do on camera would be like to just try to stretch this part right here, like the muscles in here, you can kind of pull your hand back to get a light stretch. But “to stretch” is all, like, stretching everything you are going to use in your workout during your exercise. So, before you begin, you should stretch your body, you should do some stretches to use the noun form. In a sentence, “It's important to stretch before you work out.”
“To warm up.” The next word is “to warm up.” “To warm up” means to get ready for a workout. So, it's like your workout is kind of composed of three parts, which I'm going to talk about. I'm going to talk about part number one and two now. There's the “warm-up” which is getting ready, like a light exercise and then there's the main part of your workout and then the next word we'll talk about is the third part. But “to warm up” is usually like stretch or maybe you just start to break a sweat. So, “to warm up” is kind of the light introduction to your workout. In a sentence, “I always warm up before I begin a work out.”
“To cool down.” The next expression is “to cool down.” “To cool down,” so the other part of your workout we have not talked about. So, we warm up, we work out and we cool down at the end of the workout. So, “to cool down” is kind of the relaxing part, the conclusion to your workout. Usually, they say don't just finish your workout but have a “cool down” session. So, for example, if you go running, after you finish the main part of your run maybe take a short walk to cool down and maybe stretch. In a sentence, “Take some time to cool down after a workout.”
“To lift weights” or “to do weight training.” The next expression is “to lift weights” or “to do weight training.” So “lifting weights,” you can probably see them weights in any gym anywhere you go to, I imagine. There are those big heavy things that people lift up or like push up, whatever. There are many different things you can do to do “weight training.” So, “lifting weights,” of course, has maybe this sort of image of lifting something, but there are other ways to do weight training, like pulling things or, I don't know, holding things in place. I don't even know. I don't do much weight training as you can imagine. But so, you can say “lift weights” or “do weight training,” is maybe a little more in general. So, in a sentence, “Have you ever tried lifting weights?”
“To do” or “to (sport).” The next expression is “to do a sport.” Okay, so the next expression is “to do” is—actually, I'm going to separate it into two groups here, “to do an activity” and “to” plus a verb. So, at the beginning of the lesson we talked about sports, usually, sports which use a ball, like basketball, baseball, football where we say “to play basketball,” “to play football.” However, for activities like for example, gymnastics or yoga, these are just kind of--they’re more, I don't know, yes, there's perhaps sports that are competitive, but they don't really use a ball and they're kind of--some people might consider them more like activities depending on the person, depending on the place that you're in. But regardless, we don't use “play” with these, we just use “do.” So “I like doing yoga.” “I want to do gymnastics,” those are a couple sort of special cases where we use “do.” However, for all the other sporting activities like skiing, snowboarding, swimming, canoeing, rowing, whatever, we don't use “do” or “play” or anything, we just use the verb. So, “I like to swim.” “I like to snowboard.” “I like to ski.” No “play,” no “do.” We can use “go”; “I like to go skiing.” “I like to go bicycling.” But, you can simply use the verb for that activity in place of any other verb like “go” or “play.” Don't use “play,” just don't use “play,” that's my point here. So, in a sentence, “I like doing yoga, “with the “do” verb or “I like skiing,” as a simple activity sentence.
Okay. So, those are “10 Words That You Can Use to Talk About Sports and Fitness.” I hope that they're useful for you and you can use them to talk about your own fitness goals. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to let us know in the comments section. If you liked this video, please be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to us if you haven't already. If you want to see some more stuff like this, please check us out at EnglishClass101.com.
Thanks very much for watching this episode of “Top Words” and we'll see you again soon. Bye.
This is how I run. I look like I'm drumming.

